Principal's Welcome
Welcome to Christian LIFE Academy Stuttgart CLAS!
Greetings from the Principal! Welcome to CLAS. On behalf of our Leadership Team, we give glory to God for giving us the opportunity to offer an English-speaking International Elementary School here in Stuttgart. We are committed to offering quality international Christian school education with programs that are consistent with our vision, mission, values, and philosophy of education. Our programs are meant to educate the whole child. So what does it take to educate a whole child? To educate the whole child is to teach them that “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." (Proverbs 9:10 NIV) Students will know that God is the source of wisdom. Therefore, we are passionate about what we offer. We commend you to enroll your children in our school. We promise to make this a worthwhile investment in the lives of your children. |
“Wisdom is supreme, therefore get wisdom. Though it costs all you have, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:7 NIV)
We aim to adhere to a holistic philosophy of education: Formal Education, Informal Education, and Non-formal Education.
Formal education is done in a structured form with a high standard curriculum in all subjects. We will use the Bob Jones University Press Curriculum in the following subjects: Bible, Math, Science, Language Arts and English, Reading and Literature, and Heritage Studies.
Informal Education is done through mentoring where students will have mentors and have individual coaching in their learning through our highly qualified Christian teachers in partnership with parents and collaboration with churches. As educational partners, we have the responsibility to provide mature Christians as their role models on how to live out their learnings by obeying the greatest commandment: To love God, love others and love self. (Matthew 22:37-39)
Non-formal Education is providing students opportunities to explore, experiment, apply the knowledge that they will gain in our school to serve their family, community and the world for the glory of God.
We are committed to providing a supportive and positive learning environment in which every student’s potentials will be developed and nurtured inso that they will see themselves as God sees them - unique and special. They will have a positive self-image and a positive image of others resulting in respecting others and serving one another.
The whole leadership team of CLAS is committed to training our students in all areas of their lives: academically, socially, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually which is biblically founded so that they will prosper in all season of their lives.
“ Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.“ (Psalm 1:2-3 NIV)
We hope the website answers your questions about our school. If you want to enroll your child, please feel free to contact our office to arrange for a tour.
God bless you!
In Christ’s service,
Rosalinda A. Connelley,
Principal / Co-Founder
We aim to adhere to a holistic philosophy of education: Formal Education, Informal Education, and Non-formal Education.
Formal education is done in a structured form with a high standard curriculum in all subjects. We will use the Bob Jones University Press Curriculum in the following subjects: Bible, Math, Science, Language Arts and English, Reading and Literature, and Heritage Studies.
Informal Education is done through mentoring where students will have mentors and have individual coaching in their learning through our highly qualified Christian teachers in partnership with parents and collaboration with churches. As educational partners, we have the responsibility to provide mature Christians as their role models on how to live out their learnings by obeying the greatest commandment: To love God, love others and love self. (Matthew 22:37-39)
Non-formal Education is providing students opportunities to explore, experiment, apply the knowledge that they will gain in our school to serve their family, community and the world for the glory of God.
We are committed to providing a supportive and positive learning environment in which every student’s potentials will be developed and nurtured inso that they will see themselves as God sees them - unique and special. They will have a positive self-image and a positive image of others resulting in respecting others and serving one another.
The whole leadership team of CLAS is committed to training our students in all areas of their lives: academically, socially, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually which is biblically founded so that they will prosper in all season of their lives.
“ Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.“ (Psalm 1:2-3 NIV)
We hope the website answers your questions about our school. If you want to enroll your child, please feel free to contact our office to arrange for a tour.
God bless you!
In Christ’s service,
Rosalinda A. Connelley,
Principal / Co-Founder